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Lagom Candle
Lagom Candle

Lagom Candle, believes that the way of creating the perfect balance of living areas is through natural and esthetic decoration solutions. The owner and also as an Interior Architect, İpek Tüner, is creating the candle brand products at it’s finest details.
Lagom Candle's collection consists of blending different natural materials from the present and the past time. Each product is handcrafted and colored by herself followed by meeting with the customers.
The most remarkable designs from the collection are; the candles handcrafted from real copper as the shape of pomegranate, on the top of each product is a different energy stone which has all a different meaning (Agate, Amethyst, Aventurine, etc.) with different scents that will warm you up.
Another amazing design is, on the top of natural Cedar Tree covers, from copper we are applying the thin copper wires, one by one and all handcrafted again in the shape of different figures and letters.
Lagom, also adds an artistic touch to the living space with its specially designed packaging.


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