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Estetik Decor
Estetik Decor

ESTETIK DECOR is a furniture and lifestyle brand.
Having two decades of experience in leatherwork and lifestyle merchandising, the company has been focusing on furniture design and manufacture in its Istanbul facilities since 2010.
ESTETIK DECOR ‘s especially known for its international presence built through foreign projects and stores.
ESTETIK DECOR ‘s industry-leading expertise in the design and development of leather allows applying this material in all fields of decoration.
Carefully selected accessories from across the world complement the collection.
Musteyde Ufuk, ESTETIK DECOR ‘s designer, reflects his outlook on life to his designs, using natural and luxurious materials to create comfortable and elegant pieces. Appealing to various cultures and tastes, his individual and affordable designs aim to bring Modern Luxury lifestyle into our spaces.
ESTETIK DECOR ‘s full collection can be seen in the company’s main showroom in Istanbul and its flagship store in HOM Design Center.

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