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Bohemtolia presents the products with its unique taste inspired from Anatolian rich cultural heritage. We believe that everything has a soul and colors has its own voice and every pattern tells a story. We are here to help you to create personal and unique living spaces in your home so you can enjoy the life. Whether you want to focus on the whole picture or on details, you shall reflect your taste through the bohemian and chic collection of Bohemtolia.
Bohemtolia tells the story of Anatolia, the host of many civilizations in history. Anatolia is the place where tales, women, land and labor are promoted. Our goal is to protect the art and crafts of the region and make to be inherited to other generations. We support all handmade products and aim to introduce them to the world. We want to get stronger and grow together especially with Turkish women. We believe that we should provide employment to our women so they can find place in the global market. We are here to bring together the Anatolian crafts with Turkish women so we can show our culture to the world.

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