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Pemy Store
Pemy Store

Born from a colorful friendship, Pemy was founded in Istanbul, bringing together and producing energetic and colorful products. Our motivation is to be a dynamic, natural brand where everyone can find something for themselves. Pemy wants to excite people with each and every product and make them look forward to what’s next to come. We have a community of people who feel like they are part of every stage of Pemy and we believe #pemyfriends are the core of the brand. We get inspired from them and sail to wherever these ideas takes us. Our aim is to make everyone who use their Pemy products feel colorful and cheerful. In our production process of specific collections, we are working with women who make a living through handicrafts from many cities in Turkey — Pemy’s mission of empowering women in business will continue to grow equally as Pemy grows itself.

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