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Martius was born from the desire of designers Ece Yıldırım and Esra Yıldırım Karakaş to take colors and various materials and create a design brand from their own original ideas.

Taking their inspiration from nature, history, art, and the universe, they called it 'Martius'. Mars was the god of war.....he was the name of March. In ancient times, the wars started in March, as the months of January and February were too cold. For the Romans, it was for this reason that March was the first month of the year. On the other hand, as always, the arrival of spring and the blooming of flowers were celebrated with festivals. For all these reasons, Martius was different, March and the planet Mars were more meaningful now because they represented the beginning.

In this beginning, there are those who walk shoulder to shoulder with nature, those who believe in their own power and want to be themselves, those who are against all impositions of beauty, and those who believe in equality and sustainability. This beginning is a war, a struggle, towards the good, the beautiful, and being yourself. For us, it is about beginning with a canvas of black and designing a colorful world by embracing all the beauties of life.

Martius was the god of beginnings, and the beginning was the biggest step to existence. One March, our brand all started with designing and dreaming. Let's all be Martius warriors; join us

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