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Void Watches
Void Watches

VOID Watches was originally launched in 2008 by Swedish designer David Ericsson. What started as a side project to a career in design and engineering turned into a full time job and eventually a small company. Our watches not only tell time, they also tell the story of turning ideas into reality. We want our watches to inspire, not only by how they look but by what they represent; the drive to always create and always improve.

Simplicity is at the core of our design philosophy, a philosophy strongly rooted in our Swedish heritage. We prefer simple shapes and use materials that are best suited for the purpose. We pay attention to the details and we never compromise on quality. 

In astronomy, voids are the empty spaces between filaments, the largest structures in the Universe, that contain few, or no, galaxies. Voids typically have a diameter of 40 to 500 million light years, so large that we can’t even begin to grasp their vastness. In this they are similar to the concept of time, something that is always present but not to be seen or touched, only to be measured.

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