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Toprağın Hediyesi
Toprağın Hediyesi

"A tradition that makes soil meet with art: “Pottery”
Topragin Hediyesi (‘Gift of the Soil’), is a pottery workshop which adopts natural life and which creates designs with natural production approach. Our cups and coffee pots which we produce with hand lathe in the village of Kinik in district of Pazaryeri in the city of Bilecik, the inside parts of which are glazed after first cooking, take their forms to be used for a lifetime after being  cooked for second time. 
In this adventure, Nazmi Ceyhan being the state artists of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and Ufuk Yildiz, being his apprentice, makes you meet with pottery, which is one of the traditional handcrafts, in their Kinik Series, in the most delicate, natural, and simple form.

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