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Pioneer in Clean Beauty Industry
Lively has introduced EWG to Korea for the first time, acting as an EWG Safe Cosmetics Campaign Partner in the US Environmental Organization since 2009. As a result, the Korean cosmetics industry leaned to a positive influence and changed to safer ingredients, which opened a new era of cosmetics in Korea.
In 2016, Lively became the first Korean brand to receive U.S. EWG VERIFIED ™ certification. Lively is committed to meet the standard of the purest and healthiest products and deliver a safer beauty care alternative
Clean and Vegan Brand
Lively is registered as a partner of the Vegan Society, the world's oldest and most prestigious vegetarian organization. To uphold the respect for life, Lively is cruelty-free, and strictly avoids anima-derived ingredients. Lively selects natural and organic ingredients to deliver safe and authentic products.
On top of that, Lively is Eco-cert certified, a reassurance to provide with suitable solutions to promote good environmental and societal practices. We are committed to organic farming to build a sustainable world.
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