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Ikigai Interior Objects
Ikigai Interior Objects

Ikigai Interior Objects is an interior architecture firm that makes designs that can be called extraordinary from simple raw materials, founded on the basis of hand workmanship and sustainability. It produces a limited number of products in line with the brand conscious and environmentally friendly consumption understanding. The founders of the brand explain this as follows: "We are trying to change our debt to nature with the intention" as much as "rather than with a" more "mentality.
The most common feature of the partners of the brand, Kardelen Sönmez and Emre Yiğit is the value they both give to a beautiful design and the desire of to design. While Emre Yiğit assists the technical part of the team as an Interior Architect, Kardelen Sönmez carries out the work of the brand with her designer and marketing identity.
With the question of "How did this get here?" they aim to spread the attention they show to local production and hand craft to the whole world.
The strongest aspect of Ikigai Interior Objects is the fact that each product is made individually and the production of the product takes days, despite our factoryized age.


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