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GoYogaGo Active
GoYogaGo Active

Recall that you are strong, elegant, careful, delicate, creative and full of life, sometimes like an oak with roots spreading through the earth, sometimes a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, sometimes a frog standing on water lilies, and sometimes a mighty mountain with its top touching the sky.

Yoga reveals confidence and body perception through non-competitive physical activity.

These blocks will provide fun and imaginative activities for children and you.
What is GoYogaGo Active?
GoYogaGo Active is a non-competitive, fun, body and mind activity using the general principles of Yoga. It can be played singly or with friends. It consists of five dice, four of which are wooden and the remaining one is of mica. Of the four wooden ones, three have yoga poses on each side, and one is an affirmation dice, while the fifth is the mica instruction dice. Two wooden dice have single yoga poses while the third one has double yoga poses.
The affirmation dice has an affirmation comment on each side, while the instruction dice has the duration and breathing instructions, with one side comprising a lotus sign indicating that the pose is to be held for as long as possible.
What is the aim of GoYogaGo Active?
GoYogaGo Active helps develop self-confidence and body perception through non-competitive physical activity. It will provide fun and imaginative activities for children and you.

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