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A few moments of your own ...

There is a remembrance in your soul that misses the nature ... The humidity of the land that you’ve never been under your feet, the sound of birds that you don't recognize... there is a poetic literature between you and the water that seduces you, embraces you with compassion ....and freshens ..

The story of Bold & Goodly begins with a discovery, a discovery that mingles love to the body ... As such all mysteries and aromas are gifted to our body with healing effects.

Secrets from history and nature flow into a soap with its divine course. Two unrecognized flowers, two clays that will never touch each other, are merged into your body and soul. Salt is mixed with the water and reveals it’s all power presenting the aromas to your soul and body ....

A soft touch and a poetic fragrance surround your body as an experience to awaken your soul…

In the collection, every magical combination that originates a soap is imagined as an herbalist work and a therapeutic music, then wrapped in linen pouches and thin papers, preparing for the enchanted moment. 

Bold & Goodly collection which is built with global criteria and organic products, is presented to you with its carbon footprint philosophy in local values and packaging selection. While creating this deep memory, it recycles its material with a great respect to the world in which it obtains inspiration and material from.

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