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The Keep
The Keep

A new brand of rugs, with innovative design and production techniques, was born with the knowledge, cultural richness and experience transferred from father to daughter in the Aegean, where the heart of textile beats; in an atelier that has been producing rugs for 60 years, located in Uşak, one of the important centers of rug and carpet culture. ‘The Keep' is a product of the dreams of two architects who design spaces, putting their heads together and adding new stories to the stories hidden inside these spaces. This rug collection, a limited production, inspired by the creations of contemporary designers, is based upon the infrastructure of tradition and emerged with the idea of creating unique products for spaces. They are ready to come to you with stories of the past and future hidden within. ‘Bilge Kalfa’ Architect; She creates spaces on the Istanbul-Berlin line, transforms spaces, draws, sketches, designs and teaches. ‘Senem Akçay’ Architect; Designs, traces the vanished places, preserves the existing ones, writes books and teaches.

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