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Luna Merdin
Luna Merdin

Find the legacy of 28 Mesopotamian civilizations in Luna Merdin!
We have desired the exquisite and magical soul of the city to accompany us during our journey. Luna, The Goddess of Moon and Mardin, the city of fortresses’ ancient name, have come together to introduce Merdin’s unique traditional handicraft to you. Strolling around Mardin, on a wall of a house, minaret of a mosque or on an ornamented church door, you will realize each and every figure of Luna Merdin accessories. In this city, history reflects everywhere naturally. Now, it’s your turn to be a part of this ancient experience. The Golden Sun City of Mesopotamia, Mardin had been a land of downfallen and rising empires, being on the Silk Road route, a stopping point for caravan traders and since thousands of years, home to Syriacs, Turks, Kurds, Armenians, Yazidis and Chaldeans. All this diversity shows itself on local architecture and most of all on silver craftworks. Today, being the different chapters of the same story, those cultures reflect their experiences by art.
The figures on our accessories will take you to an ancient journey, will make you witness the magical tale of Mardin.

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