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Fine People Community
Fine People Community

The idea of "Fine People Community", has originated during pandemic; the hardest times of our lives that we had to endure during lockdown.
We took a moment to take a look to our lives, to our community, specially to our planet; at the time when the sky were clearer for the first time during the first lockdown.
All this time made us take a pause to reflect about our connections to our innerself, to our community and to our real home; The Earth. Then we came to a realization about our «real» needs like Love, Belongingness, Trust and Self-compassion; and how we try fill those needs with endless comsumption instead.
So we said, there must be an another way.. A way where we can still consume what we need, but also we feel like nourished from the society we’re in and feel ‘FINE’ just being in it.
In Fine People Community; ‘FINE’ represents, state of «Being Fine» and «Feeling Fine». All of our fabrics are Organic Certificated, all the garments are Vegan and Recyclable. At the same time, your purchase leads to a support for a Child in need or stray animals as a Social Responbility Project.
So this is the place where our dream Community comes together;
Fine People Community.
We’re here; sharing the same dream with the people who cares about theirselves, about each other, about all the living creatures and our main home; earth.
Glad you are here.

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