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Asky&Erd Pet Stuff Co.
Asky&Erd Pet Stuff Co.

Aşkım aka Asky borned in  2005, June 22. In those days, her only speciality was being the smallest in her litter :) No one, including me, knew that she was a very special furry angel. In 20 September 2005, while I was sitting in a farmyard and had no plan about turning back to home with a puppy, she jumped on my lap and from that moment I never let her go down until she crossed the rainbow bridge in 2019, 15th May.
After I lost her, I felt that I wanted to add something enjoyable to the things I did for her memory. I knew that everything related with Asky become beautiful. We established the Asky & Erd brand to design elegant, timeless and good quality products for our best friends.

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