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We create as a team,
We are more than a team.
We hold together, we undertake a journey that we can do great things together.
Our firm was established at the heart of Turkey in 2020 by respecting the social values, differences and views.
Valteri is aware that the environmental challenges are some of the most important problems of our age, hence moves forward with environmental consciousness and targets progress by keeping its sensitivity at the highest level. We set our standards and policies with that environmental consciousness.
To us, nature is where everything starts and a place that we find peace and happiness. That’s why while producing for the society, we feel the need to protect it. Thus, we care that our products are sustainable. The t-shirts we provide you are 100% organic cotton and holds internationally acceptable GOTS certificate (Global Organic Textile Standard). Our sweatshirt/hoodies are made from 100% cotton. Also, the craft boxes you will receive your product are 100% recyclable.
Let’s be a part of the change!
Wash less, save more

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