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As the Soiley brand, our journey started with the aim of combining nature and green with a modern design to bring it indoors. We formed Soiley, whose foundations were derived from the mudbrick and jug culture that existed in Anatolia since prehistoric times, using clay and mineral-based natural materials possessed by these soils.
In Soiley's development process, we aimed to create a decorative and environmentally friendly design that best meets the needs of plants by experimenting the planting system with many different shapes and raw materials to find the perfect one.
To create Soiley, we assembled a large team of designers, botanical experts, agricultural engineers and ceramic artists, and we spent a long time to get the most efficient product.
At last, Soiley completed the design process with care and attention; It is ready to appear as a new plant growing model that adapts to the interior, is clean and easy to use.
Become a part of this brand that continues its efforts to build the future of plant breeding,
Meet Soiley!

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