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Sjorinn Istanbul
Sjorinn Istanbul

Inspired by “Deniz,” Owner of All Depths...
Sjórinn Istanbul is for those who adopt a lifestyle focusing on meditation, home, and design. Inspired by deep blue of the “sea” that brings freedom and peace together, its enthusiastic and clear form, and the calming sound of its waves; Sjórinn has been developed with com-fort in mind and at the forefront.
We believe in real products for people, with real stories. We aim to serve a generation that integrates careful and conscious consumption into their lifestyle. In this sense, our main motivation source is organic, plant-based and sustainable recycling materials.
We believe that all of us are “one and unique” in nature, and we know that nature is actual-ly a real source of inspiration to all and everything created by people. With this awareness, we promise you to experience a relaxing and natural feeling in your meditation process in which you are united with nature.
With our commitment to now and to the truth,
We are born for you, inspired by “Deniz,” the owner of all depths, to create your own new comfort zone.

Our Awareness
Attentive Production
Ethically sourced and environmentally friendly
We live in a world where everything is interconnected. As Sjórinn Istanbul, we strive to bring you our products consciously, purposefully, and wisely. The materials that we use, as well as the whole process of production, can be fully traced as of their sources until they find their place in your meditation space.
From raw material to the cushion!

We work with independent local craftspeople who produce small quantities of diligent and ethical products for our high-performance and consciously developed brand, using long-lasting, natural and quality materials.

All of our sustainable products are produced with ethical materials and craftsmanship. Just as we value ourselves and our customers, we value other people and the environment.

Our intention is being kind to ourselves and positively influencing the well-being of others in return. At the same time, to help you create a comfortable and peaceful meditation space where you can renew and re-connect with your true self as you live the present moment, without forgetting that our living space greatly affects our inner world.

We know that you care for yourself, for your loved ones and even strangers outside your community. This means the capability to lay the foundations for deeper well-being, self-care, and true kindness. Likewise, when you shop our products, you take care of our envi-ronment, together with our craftsmen and non-profit partners.

Our products
All of our products are designed using plant-based, natural and recyclable materials and they are manufactured with ethical awareness.
We use high-quality, long-lasting, and natural materials that provide comfort with a focus on high performance. In this process, we understand that we are one with nature and we feel the effect of nature and the natural in everything we produce. With this awareness, we promise to present you a relaxing and natural feeling during your meditation in which you become one with nature.

A design with purpose
Against the consumption culture, our intention is to design products with purpose. Our cushions look pretty good, but more important than that is how you use them. We want to help and inspire you to experience meditation and mindfulness and encourage you to try it for the first time.

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