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Shaman's Secret
Shaman's Secret

Shaman’s Secret was founded in 2017 by Beril Turhan, who grew up experiencing the benefits of nature and natural life in her family. Turhan was graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Department of Chemistry; from an early age, she developed her interest in natural mixtures, tinctures and fermentations with trainings in Turkey and abroad. Beril and her mother started to brew Kombucha for their family for nearly 20 years. She founded her own brand, Shaman’s Secret, on the demands of her friends and social circle.

In a short time, Shaman’s Secret became one of Turkey's largest Kombucha brand, as the brand’s excellence is following traditional methods and brewing in glass vessels with completely superior standards. With the best raw materials; Shaman’s Secret Kombuchas are produced without using any additives, preservatives, aroma or colorant, bringing the healing of nature to you valued customers' home.

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