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Seda Yaman
Seda Yaman
I used to gather some kind of small rocks and obtain their dusts by rubbing them out via a piece of glass at my childhood. 
After that I was soaking the the dusts with water than making small sculptures with slosh. 
This was how my adventure has begun with the mud. 
Afterwards my journey with the mud continued at Marmara Univercity Department of Sculpture.
I left the city of Istanbul to where I choose to turn interior and live myself with the effects and conditions of the place where I moved.
This situation has deepened my relation with mud, glaze and made my works more simplicative and much more adaptable with nature.
Actually, having a unique desingn depends on the feeling, the labour within, the story inside and  opening space to energy at your own place.
My purpose on desinging useful objects is to embody art through daylife, bring it togeather with the five senses in every moment of life for people to have relations with humour while using my products.
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