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Paperwallet is influenced by the art of origami and an aim to create a unique & functional canvas for artists - to get their work off the wall and give it legs. With the environment in mind, Tyvek® smart material was our optimal choice, and its supreme durability increases the overall quality of the products. The end result is a perfect fusion of design, function, and comfort.
Paperwallet is a socially conscious company, making innovative and eco-friendly Tyvek® products is at the core of our values. The Tyvek® material used to create the wallet and other accessories is 100% recyclable and is made-up in part of already recycled material.
Our focus is to be a platform for artists to reach greater exposure of their brand
and work. We pride ourselves on featuring new artists with something to say, and something to share. Paperwallet is proud to support the artists through a percentage of the sales on their designs. The artists’ bio and portraits are also featured directly on the product, packaging, and website.

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