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Minima for Kids
Minima for Kids

Minima for kids, founded by a couple of interior designers, set out on a journey of excitement in children's furniture with the motto of offering minimal products for children. 

While designing our collection, we asked ourselves “Would I buy this product if I were?” Then we combine this question with our interior design knowledge and offer high level of material quality.

We use high strength, natural birch contra, consisting of several layers in our products. We prefer the well-established varnish and paint brand of Italy, ICA products which was established in the 1970s, by being sensitive about varnish and paint. The BLUM brand, which was established in 1952, is among the best hinge systems and adds value to our collection.

In addition to developing children's imagination and motor skills, you can make great changes in your children's living spaces with small touches with our products, each of which is made of natural materials, which are also useful for parents.

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