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Kronotrop Coffee Bar & Roastery
Kronotrop Coffee Bar & Roastery
We embarked on our journey in 2012 as a humble coffee shop in Galatasaray. Even though the concept of artisanal coffee was not widespread in Turkey at the time, we quickly attracted the attention of coffee lovers and grew rapidly. Now, we are a multi-branched coffee house with a presence in multiple cities across Turkey. We’ve grown into a big family with a continued passion towards people, coffee and nature.
We have great respect for the soil and natural resources - simply for nature in its complete totality. As an avid supporter of sustainable agriculture, both our operations and our products reflect our sensitivity towards nature; we utilize energy conserving roasting machinery, separate our waste and use fully recyclable products.
Our expert roasting masters delicately roast the beans, bringing forth the best qualities with the help of the right equipment and refined techniques revealing complex aromas and enriched flavors. A wide selection of fresh beans are offered across our shops for your enjoyment.
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