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Caged Bird Design
Caged Bird Design

Caged Bird Design draws its strenghts from women. It is an innovative brand designed specifically for women, involved in every stage of its production. The hope is to inspire those caged in by society, to touch, understand and provide an outlet to communicate with the outside world. The exquisite nature of the crafts comes from its simple but graceful nature. The patterns will motivate women to a different level of expression, one she will not be able to part with. Our pieces are designed to be striking alone or in combination. Circular motif at the center of its theme leaving to one’s imagination, its origin and infinite nature. A symbol of eternity, giving women a sense of empowerment, freedom and self-confidence. The designer create each piece with its own soul and character. The brand has sewn its nature and ideals into every work of art with simplicity and elegance.

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